
Unit Converter

Select a tool from the Tabs
input a value
select a unit
converted value:
Enter a value and select a unit
Enter the known values on one line then click the corresponding button; use only WGS84 coordinates.
Longitude dms
Latitude dms
Longitude d.d
Latitude d.d
Geo Satellite Longitude

decimal degrees, + is East

Antenna Azimuth

Earth Station Longitude

decimal degrees, + is East

Antenna Elevation

Earth Station Latitude

decimal degrees, + is North

The following are based on your PC clock:

Local time is the date/time reported by your PC (as seen by your web browser).
If your PC clock is accurate to a second then the other time scales displayed above will also be accurate to within one second.
UTC, Coordinated Universal Time, popularly known as GMT (Greenwich Mean Time), or Zulu time.
Local time differs from UTC by the number of hours of your timezone.
GPS, Global Positioning System time, is the atomic time scale implemented by the atomic clocks in the GPS ground control stations and the GPS satellites themselves.
GPS time was zero at 0h 6-Jan-1980 and since it is not perturbed by leap seconds GPS is now ahead of UTC by seconds.
TAI, Temps Atomique International, is the international atomic time scale based on a continuous counting of the SI second.
TAI is currently ahead of UTC by seconds. TAI is always ahead of GPS by 19 seconds.